Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Animation Practise

After a couple of days of looking at different forms of animation and the different techniques used in the production, we were split into groups in which we were going to create our own. We were asked to draw a photo of something that had some sort of significance to our lives recently, therefore I drew the logo of a festival I went to with my friends in croatia called Hideout. We then passed our drawings to the person next to us and made a tracing of their drawing.

These were then our start and end point, our task was then within 12 frames animate our first picture to change and morph into our last one. My last frame was a picture of a foam hand which had no relationship to my logo. Therefore I chose to draw an animation of the hideout logo peeling off the wall, as it was a sticker, and then fly into a wall causing an explosion. This explosion would expand to reveal the foam hand.

After a day of drawing we each had our animations and realised that these then linked together to create one longer and potentially constantly looping animation. The video is below. 

We produced the video by setting up my camera on a tri-pod. We then placed the paper under neath and took a photo of each drawing individually, which would be a frame of the video. We then imported these into istopmotion, a simple program easily designed for this type of video. We set the pictures to take up 2 frames as a cart of a 30 fps (frames per second) video and rendered from there. We had a problem with time and the end of the video ended up not rendering correctly cutting out the morph back into my logo. 

(My part is the first scene of the sequence)

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