Sunday, 23 February 2014

Freedom and Liberty - Initial Ideas

So for the Freedom and Liberty after some brainstorming and mind mapping, I have come up with a few different Ideas to potentially create a 1 minute short from. These are:

- The first was a short story about the process of a boy or girl coming out about there sexuality to both themselves and their parents. The story could be developed around the individual actually coming to realise that they are gay or on the polar opposite their parents coming to accept that they have a homosexual child. Especially if the parents aren't used to the modern times were homosexuality is so openly accepted, it could potentially be a hard thing to understand. 

- The second is probably the most stereotypical of them all and is based on the concept of freedom from poverty. I was thinking of a narrative about a young boy from a poor background and struggling family, by chance wins the lottery and the change it has on their lives.

- The third was small drug video about an addict who takes off on an out of body experience after consuming DMT. DMT (short for Dimethyltryptamine) also known as the 'spirit molecule' is a naturally produced neural hormone supposedly released in the brain when we die. It has been recorded to cause sever hallucinations on the subject who can smoke it, which have lead to outer body experiences like no other drug. The story could be about the trip this drug takes him on and then the reality he has to face as he 'comes down'.

- The fourth is a narrative about young child who is kidnapped and the process he/she goes through to escape. There will be a number of obstacles to overcome before the kid could escape. The main idea behind this narrative would to shoot it as if the film was a diary entry and the whole video was in the past with child narrating over it. 

- The final idea and probably my favourite so far was about a character with the fear of leaving his/her house (agoraphobia). The story would be about the struggle the character goes through to overcome her fear to just leave her house. Something everyone doesn't even take into account can mean the whole world to another person. Agoraphobia is a panic disorder, even though being completely mental, it can cause physical symptoms such as severe shaking, vomiting and sweating. All which can be used to exaggerate the severeness of just opening a door.  

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