Monday, 14 April 2014

FMP - Starting Idea

To create a short (teaser) trailer for a fictional film around a group of friends inventing file sharing. The film will be based on factual information and true events that may be viewed as exciting, through research. The style of the trailer is going to be determined on the scenes filmed from the story and ideas that I come across in research. 

I will write the rough narrative for the feature film and then construct the trailer around that. I want the store to be about a group of friends at college/university who invest in a server to share owned materials such as games/music. Then discover a way ti make it public and create the first file sharing website, similar to how Napster was created. The foundations of the story will be about the journey of Sean Fanning and Sean Parker (who created Napster). However I will base it around filesharing more than just music.

The most relatable film is the social network which is about the creation of Facebook, and the struggles he has with his friends during his rise to fame. I want my film to be about the problems and clashes the main character goes through similar to the social network but more family based. However I need to find ideas that are visually stimulating unlike money and power which in theory should belong in court and board rooms, while being on a non existent budget. I do not know the genre of the film and need to research styles that I can replicate/expand upon.

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