Sunday, 25 May 2014

FMP - Final Statement/Review


Student Name: Matt Dickinson         Pathway:Media Production

Final Major Project Title: Hardships

You will need to submit this evaluation with your full project hand in 

1. Briefly describe the final outcome of your project and the progress you have made, and if applicable how it differs from your original Project Proposal:

For my FMP I have a made a teaser and extended look trailer for a fictional film which I have written. The trailers can be used as an insite into what I imagine the film to look like and used a pitch to secure funding to complete and create the full length feature. My original plan was to make a single trailer on the concept of a few friends coming up with first file sharing business however this has progressed ultimately into both a love story between three characters while the business is under police investigation for child porn distribution. The film completely expands above the original idea into a number of different spirelling problems that the characters are forced to deal with. 

The first idea was include but used it as a platform to excell the real story off. Allowing the characters to rise what they dreamt and fixated is fun to watch but not exciting, it isnt until they are thrown obstacles that threaten to put them in a worse position than they originally started do we really start to enjoy a story. This is what mine progressed from and too.  

2. What methods have you used to show how your learning has effected your project eg FMP Blog/ FMP Plan/ sketchbooks etc, and how has this helped with development of your work:

One of the most important things that aided me in the creation of this project was my notebook, not sketchbook. I kept this on me almost at all times because of its small size and already messyness meaning I wasnt scared of worsening it. This acted as my physical mind, containing multiple on line scribbles that to anyone else means nothing but allowed to keep document of any new information and remind at later dates. 

It allowed me to be 100x more organised and creative as if I was unsure about anything at a moment in time, flicking through my notebook usually sorted the problem. Once I was sure of ideas, certain of information, it then found its way into my sketchbook. This meant everything in my sketchbook was directly linked to my actual project and there was no "waffle" or waste of space (something I hate). As a perfectionist I then found myself proud of my sketchbook. 

My blog was great to reflect upon my work so far. I found that once actually writing out what I was working on into a post, that things really started to set in. It gives you a chance to think about certain things again that you may not consider at first and helped me remind what stuck out a significant/potential lead versus a page filler. 

3. List the targets met (from the original FMP Plan and any that were added later):

Create a trailer and understand the fundamentals of a film trailer
Successful manage and direct a team of people on set
Learn what makes a successful script/narrative
Create an engaging storyline based on primary and secondary research

4. Reflecting on your overall final major project, please discuss any developments which have contributed to the final outcome:

The biggest development of the story was defintely during the development of the script, changing the storyline to based more around a love story and the downfall of a business rather than the rise of a group of college kidsd doing things they were never able to do. I should say it was a hard decision to make to completely change the dyanamic and flow of the story hwoever it wasnt. As soon as it hit me I instantly knew that it was actively going to make a more interesting 'ride' for the audition. It allowed me to look into so different scenes improving the variety of actions I could write to the story, opening more doors. It did set me back as I spent a longer period of time writing the scenes but resulted in a better film, and better trailer. The trailer wasnt all about parties and success but no had tension, paranoia, hate and love; all emotions that can keep the audience on the edge of the chair the whole film. 

5. Please state what advice you received from others during your FMP, and discuss what you found particularly useful: you should refer to group reviews, one-to-one tutorials and feedback from evaluation groups

Get as many opinions as possible. This completely changed my project for the better. If I hadnt seeked feedback from my tutors and peers not only would I have never found the new storyline but trailer would still be my cut. WIth every new cut that I showed it improved and still could improve if I was to keep showing it to new people. Narrowed minded is not a state of mind to put yourself into especially in the creative industry, its through networking and bouncing off other people do we find the greatest pieces of work. 

6. Key points to take away – things to change about my approach (give at least 2) eg improve time management, what skills you have developed and how this will affect your future course/career and things to continue doing and to build on (give at least 2). What are you going to do next year?
(NOTE – you may find it useful to refer to this document at the beginning of your next self managed project.)

From this project i can definitely say that I found what I thoroughly enjoy doing, and what I want to carry on doing in the future. I have finally learn the importance of time management and how much of difference planning can do to maximise the amount done in a single day. I have also learnt successful how to record sound with a Boom for dialogue and how much of an improvement it is from mounting the mic on the camera like I usually have. My FMP has taught me alot that I can now take forward into my Film Production degree that I am planning on studying at Arts University of Bournemouth

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