Friday, 23 May 2014

FMP - Week 6 Overview

Through out the last five weeks I was roughly gathering actors and willing friends to be in my film trailer which was helpful going into this week. This week I was planning on filming the whole sequence to allow for editing. 

This meant I had to plan actors, script, locations, equipment, shot list's time-schedule and a hand ful of other things like props etc. The shot list was already finished as I wrote it at the same time of drawing the timeline. This allowed me to draw up a second shot list quickly splitting it into different locations, so when I was filming at that location I could film all the necessary films.

From this I found I needed a house, three individual unique bedrooms, a school, a field, a flat, a work place and some streets. I stuck to what I knew and contacted friends who had access to each to try and secure the places. 

Luckily after a handful of phone calls I managed to secure all of the places from my old secondary school, on a teacher training day meaning it would be empty, to a chemist who was closing for cleaning one day for an hour. 

Then I moved on to actors. There were a handful of significant characters I wanted to get to increase the believability of the trailer. If the trailer was filled with actors my age it doesn't look realistic so a comfortable age range was key. 

All the main characters were my age and then I used family like my mum, dad, little brother and his friends to play insignificant roles to the film but there inclusion just made more engaging. In total I managed to get 19 people to act for the film, all out of good will and a non existent budget (minus food and some expenses here and there). 

The trailer was filmed over the space of two very long days, towards the end of the week to allow plenty of time for editing and any reshoots that was needed. From all the footage at the end of the week, I honestly thought I had made a big mistake as the raw rushes just didnt seem to click. But after I chronologically cut all the scenes to fit the length of the movie, producing an extremely rough cut, I began to believe that the piece could be pulled off. 

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