- What do you define as friendship?
- What do you think is the difference between a friend and a best friend?
- Has anything in your past broken up a very close friendship, if so what?
- What do you think is breaking the line of friendship, personally what wouldn't you want a friend to do?
- Can you name any films that show the roller-coaster and friendship can go through?
Each of the questions was aimed so that I can base the actions of my characters to relatable to the audience. The major themes that came across as taboo areas of friendship is lying, cheating with partners and drugs. Which is good because cheating was something I wanted to include in my story and this can easily include lying and deception. Drugs is a good platform to look at because it is something stereotypically linked to the "high life" so maybe one of the friends becoming addicted.
Next I went and spoke to my tutors about the basics of writing a narrative and they pointed me in the direction of a few books I should look into. The first was called 'Story' by Robert McKee and the second 'The Writers Journey' by Chris Vogler. These were brilliant books as they taught to how to construct not a story, but a journey of a protagonist(s). They broke the ideas of 'story' up and showed me that I have move a character from A to B but to establish this process of getting to B I really have to understand what B is and why someone would want go through so much to really get there. There was a number of different concepts and themes that I discovered, like the three levels of conflict a character can go through, depending which state he is conflicting, or how to naturally show the exposition without shoving it in the audiences faces.
After this I came up with a basic storyline which matched the aims of my original proposal. In my eyes I thought it worked but first I needed to run this by others, to give an unbiased view on my ideas.
Over the last few weeks I has made it my mission to watch as many films as possible to grab and propel ideas into my FMP. I have kept an review book that after watching every film I wrote a review and talked about the things I disliked and liked. After talking to my tutors and confiding in friends about my idea, and looking through this book, I realised that there needed to be a bigger bombshell in the story to make it more exciting. Something that would completely throw the audience and protagonist off guard and turn his world upside down. After looking into different things my research ahs shown me in the past about splitting relationships apart I wanted something that was extremely taboo to social norms and society, in which I came up with the idea of child porn.
I then began to rewrite the storyline around this bombshell and produced a final narrative that not only I was happy with but interested everyone that I spoke to about it.
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